Just add water and let the Barocook Flameless Cooker do the rest. Barocook is a little revolutionary cooking device that lets you cook without the use of fire. I can’t tell you how many times this would have come in handy while out on trail. Often times you’re out for the day, you don’t want to, or can’t start a fire, and there would be nothing better than having a warm pick me up. The Barocook utilizes a non toxic heating pad to which you simple pour the measured amount of water on, seal, wait 6 minutes, and viola instant warm contents. Made using Poly carbonate plastic, a stainless steel container, and an airtight Silicone ring; the Barocook is the perfect companion for all your adventures.
Get yours here.
Just add water and let the Barocook Flameless Cooker do the rest. Barocook is a little revolutionary cooking device that lets you cook without the use of fire. I can’t tell you how many times this would have come in handy while out on trail. Often times you’re out for the day, you don’t want to, or can’t start a fire, and there would be nothing better than having a warm pick me up. The Barocook utilizes a non toxic heating pad to which you simple pour the measured amount of water on, seal, wait 6 minutes, and viola instant warm contents. Made using Poly carbonate plastic, a stainless steel container, and an airtight Silicone ring; the Barocook is the perfect companion for all your adventures.
Get yours here.