
Beeson Shoe

Beeson Shoe - LumberJac

Is there any other footwear that lays down the groundwork like the Beeson Shoe? Shoes come and go, but every once and awhile you find a keeper that has a solid footing. The Beeson Shoe by PF Flyer is a simple yet highly refined looking shoe that would do any urban dweller proud. Starting in 1933, PF Flyers designed and patented the Posture Foundation that literally and physically forever changed the sneaker landscape. The Beeson Shoe is part of their newly launched Heritage Collection that adapts classic styles with a modern flare based on street/work wear and their own archives. The Beeson Shoe combines canvas upper with colorful lugged outsole which features their famous Posture Foundation insert. Available in grey with green, or black and red; the Beeson is the perfect intro to the all great American footwear tale.

Pick up a pair at PF Flyers online store.