
Winston’s Fly Fishing Leather Log Book


Document your prize catch with a Winston’s Fly Fishing Leather Log Book from Ewin’s Dry Goods. Far too often our memory over indulges the details and glamorizes events, especially when it comes to fishing. With the Winston’s Fly Fishing Log Book you can forget about relying on your mistrusted memory, and refer to the exact details from your treasured catches. Photos are great, but make every catch look big and never tell the whole story. This rustic log book is hand crafted with natural leather, hand sewn with a red cord, and features a leather buckle closure and comes stocked with 96 rough cut pages. Each page is pre-printed with a place to document the date, location, weather, water conditions, catch weight/size, lure type, pattern style and even an open area to sketch or add additional notes from the day.

Available directly from Ewin’s online store.
