Dreams can come true with the Porshce 911 Weekend Racer. Who doesn’t dream of having a second car that is designed to turn your weekend into a exotic after party? Well maybe that’s a bit over-the-top but hey, when you jump into this 911 weekend racer, you’ll want more and more. Based around a classic 1969 vintage Porsche 911, this is anything but your ordinary machine. Built to the highest standards, this orange beauty is powered by a 3.2 euro spec engine and features many race upgrades including welded FIA Spec Fennlane Roll cage, front Brembo 4 piston turbo brakes, custom 5 speed gear box with Wevo shifter and a Bilstein front and rear suspension. If you think you’re dreaming than think again because the Porsche Weekend Racer is a classic exotic that is as real as they come.
Introduce yourself and find out more about the weekend racer at Cool&Vintage.

Dreams can come true with the Porshce 911 Weekend Racer. Who doesn’t dream of having a second car that is designed to turn your weekend into a exotic after party? Well maybe that’s a bit over-the-top but hey, when you jump into this 911 weekend racer, you’ll want more and more. Based around a classic 1969 vintage Porsche 911, this is anything but your ordinary machine. Built to the highest standards, this orange beauty is powered by a 3.2 euro spec engine and features many race upgrades including welded FIA Spec Fennlane Roll cage, front Brembo 4 piston turbo brakes, custom 5 speed gear box with Wevo shifter and a Bilstein front and rear suspension. If you think you’re dreaming than think again because the Porsche Weekend Racer is a classic exotic that is as real as they come.
Introduce yourself and find out more about the weekend racer at Cool&Vintage.