Eames Molded Plywood Chair


The Eames Molded Plywood Chair, a timeless masterpiece fit for any space. Seventy years old and this icon by Ray and Charles Eames is still revolutionizing interiors. At the time, most furniture was heavy, complex and covered in upholstery (a lot hasn’t changed since). Ray and Charles utilized the latest technology in molding plywood (after years of trial and error) to create a low-seating chair that was functional and aestetically pleasing without hiding the true form of the design. This design approach and manufacturing techniques inspired and revolutionized furniture design as we know it today. If you have a chair passed on from your grandparents, hold on to it as the originals continue to increase in value, and if you have a knock-off, burn it and invest in the authentic. I’ve had my set for years and they look just as good the day they arrived, and are still the most comfortable wood chair I’ve ever tried.

Get yours at Design Within Reach.
