Bruvelo Coffee Maker


Introducing the Bruvelo Coffee Maker, a one-step process en route to morning bliss. With coffee inventions flying off the drawing boards, why do most coffee brewers waste space, time and materials while brewing coffee that is sub-par? We’ve covered our fair share of coffee machines, like the Anza Coffee Machine (a wonderful mixture of tactile materials and design), the Canadiano (a incredibly simple drip system), and they are all great designs but when a new machine does it all, sign us up. Made to handle the complete process including grinding, ratios, temperatures, bloom, steep, and filtration; the Bruvelo was designed to make your coffee experience a blend of coffee house quality all in the foot print of a normal mug. The Bruvelo features a mobile app, paper or metal filters, ceramic burr and a brew time of 4 minutes. This is one machine that makes you a brew master within your own household. This isn’t the first time Dustin Sell has designed a coffee maker. His first kickstarter campaign started wonderfully, however, he had to pull the plug because of actual production costs. If everything is true about this machine (from what we can see it’s that and more), it’s well on the way to becoming a reality, and not just another coffee day dream.

Support Dustin and his kickstarter campaign here and be a part of the full experience.





