Your move. Master your skills with ATELIER-D’s stunning wood checkers set. No in-App purchases to worry about with this old classic game. ATELIER-D has redefined the traditional Checker set with a remarkable combination of solid walnut, maple and repeating arc laser-etching. The laser-etching may be subtle, but provides the perfect contrast to the natural wood grain texture. Like the game board, the Checker pieces are differentiated by the natural wood color. The board and pieces are hand made in Canada and sealed with an ecological oil, providing protection for years to come.
Get yours from the ATELIER-D Etsy store.
Your move. Master your skills with ATELIER-D’s stunning wood checkers set. No in-App purchases to worry about with this old classic game. ATELIER-D has redefined the traditional Checker set with a remarkable combination of solid walnut, maple and repeating arc laser-etching. The laser-etching may be subtle, but provides the perfect contrast to the natural wood grain texture. Like the game board, the Checker pieces are differentiated by the natural wood color. The board and pieces are hand made in Canada and sealed with an ecological oil, providing protection for years to come.
Get yours from the ATELIER-D Etsy store.