CW&T Type-B Pen


Introducing the minimal everyday CW&T Type-B Pen, it writes the book on precise design. If you’re like us and have yet to trade in your pen and note pad for a tablet and stylus, then I would highly suggest ordering one of these minimal masterpieces. Made in the USA from precision machined solid metal, the body is fabricated out of stainless steel with a slick contrasting polished brass sleeve. Precision is the name of the game with this sleek writing apparatus, and because of it the pen slowly falls into place when put away. As with most of the design we admire, they have not muddied the look of this pen with any annoying logos and have left the brass purposely un-coated, allowing for unique personalized patina over time. A brother to CW&T Type-A pen, a pen that is housed in a super cool ruler housing, it defines in ink how generational design should be approached.

CW&T Type-A Pen available via Amazon.
CW&T Type-B Pen available for pre-order here.



 CW&T Type-A PenCW&T-Type-A-Pen-3-LumberJac
