
Pizzeria Pronto Pizza Oven

Take your pizza skills portable, thanks to the Pizzeria Pronto by Pizzacraft. As tempting as the custom backyard stone pizza ovens sound, I’d rather save a couple grand and have the flexibility to take my pizza skills on the road. The Pizzeria Pronto is a portable pizza oven that cooks pizzas in about 5 minutes at temperatures reaching over 700 degrees. Whether it’s your backyard, campsite or the tailgate, the 26lb Pronto can be safely placed on any surface and begin pumping out pizzas by a simple propane hook-up. Give yourself about 10 mins to preheat the Pizzeria Pronto, and you will get about 2 hours of cooking time on a 1lb propane tank. It’s crafted with stainless steel and features a dual-layer, interlocking cordierite pizza stone with a heat-diffusing hollow core to ensure an even crust bake.

Available through Amazon.

Pronto Pizza OvenPronto Pizza Oven