Onak Foldable Canoe


Access to urban waterways unfolds like never before with the Onak Foldable Canoe. We live in a city with one of the best urban rivers for trout fishing, but the best spots are only accessible by boat. That stops all but the hard-core in hauling out the boat. The developers of Onak were thinking well out of the box with their award-winning origami canoe, making the urban river accessible like never before. The Onak, an extremely lightweight (37lbs) robust foldable canoe that can be unfolded easily in 10minutes. Designed to carry up to 551 lbs it measures in at 183″x33.5″ when assembled, it folds up to a measly 47”x15”x10″ package when stored and sits all on a set of wheels for easy transportation. Constructed from innovative thermo-formable Honeycomb-Curv composite (10 times stronger than normal polypropylene) the Onak is made from almost one entire piece, only needing a few others to complete the setup. Thanks to the Onak Foldable Canoe, accessible urban waterway adventures are a whole new way to get your outdoor fix in.

Available for preorder at Onak Foldable Canoe.





