The S.S.B. Axe
Introducing the S.S.B. Axe, a true preserver of the past. When you think of fire, the first thing that comes to mind is…
Best Made Clay Pipe
If the Best Made Clay Pipe was good enough for a president, then it should be good enough for you. There is something…
Best Made American Felling Axe
Chop to perfection with a Best Made American Felling Axe. Best Made has an arsenal of great products, but they’re known and revered…
The Douk-Douk Knife
It’s time to clean out those pockets and make room for the Douk-Douk Knife. It’s not your typical knife that’s packed with all…
Best Made Shearling Wool Vest
Guaranteed warmth with Best Made’s Shearling Wool Vest. Generations of fabric development still doesn’t come close to ever-so-reliable shearling wool. Proven to be…