Start your own mini community with a Ienami Bonkei Planter. The Ienami is one of the most interesting planters we’ve seen to date. Leave it up to the Japanese to create planter pots out of miniature, modern houses and buildings. Devised from the ancient Japanese culture of watching foilage grow, the Ienami Bonkei Planeter pays homage to older methods of mindful mediation, slowing down, and literally watching the grass grow. With todays hectic lifestyle, we could all use a pause, and refresh button. Stoke your creative fires by creating your own miniture landscape in your office, living room, or kitchen. Launched in January 2013, you can be sure these beauties are going to be “popping up” around the globe. Get em here.

Start your own mini community with a Ienami Bonkei Planter. The Ienami is one of the most interesting planters we’ve seen to date. Leave it up to the Japanese to create planter pots out of miniature, modern houses and buildings. Devised from the ancient Japanese culture of watching foilage grow, the Ienami Bonkei Planeter pays homage to older methods of mindful mediation, slowing down, and literally watching the grass grow. With todays hectic lifestyle, we could all use a pause, and refresh button. Stoke your creative fires by creating your own miniture landscape in your office, living room, or kitchen. Launched in January 2013, you can be sure these beauties are going to be “popping up” around the globe. Get em here.