By Two Hairs Sniper-rifle


Set your sites on the By Two Hairs Sniper-rifle. Guns can be a bit of a faux pas with all the violence going on. For this guy, I’ve always had an indifferent opinion about them. Maybe it’s because I learned to shoot a 12 gauge shoot gun when I was 12 (and I’ll never forget that moment), learning skeet shooting in hunter training, or maybe it was the fact that I played guns as a kid, I’ve grown up around them. Even though I’ve never owned one, if I were to get one, I would have to say that the By Two Hairs Sniper-rifle would be at the top of my list. For a gun, designer Sruli Recht has made his mark. Made from hand-cut sun-bleached maple, the By Two Hairs was rubbed down with black horse hide, stripping it of any color. Affixed to the 308 Caliber is a stunning black heavy barrel that sets the design beautifully. Even if you’re not a gun guy, the design of this sniper rifle is a stunning work of art that takes aim with an entirely new scope.

Available directly via Sruli Recht.

