It’s ready when you are! Winston has done it again adding another industry-leading beauty to their Boron collection. New for 2012 is the Winston Boron IIIx – Five Piece Fly Rod. The five piece rod packs down into a stunning 24″ long deep green graphite carrying case, 9″ shorter than the 4 piece rod case. Not to be outdone by the size and case, the 9′ rod incorporates incredible versatility and smooth casting know by the Boron lineup. It uses quality materials such as a cigar grip; nickel, silver or anodized aluminum reel seats; and a beautiful burled box elder inserts, just to name a few. We are very impressed with the look and feel of this rod. In one word, stunning! A perfect rod for slipping in your bag for that ever elusive favorite fishing spot. There is only one question left unanswered; where will you be taking it next?
It’s ready when you are! Winston has done it again adding another industry-leading beauty to their Boron collection. New for 2012 is the Winston Boron IIIx – Five Piece Fly Rod. The five piece rod packs down into a stunning 24″ long deep green graphite carrying case, 9″ shorter than the 4 piece rod case. Not to be outdone by the size and case, the 9′ rod incorporates incredible versatility and smooth casting know by the Boron lineup. It uses quality materials such as a cigar grip; nickel, silver or anodized aluminum reel seats; and a beautiful burled box elder inserts, just to name a few. We are very impressed with the look and feel of this rod. In one word, stunning! A perfect rod for slipping in your bag for that ever elusive favorite fishing spot. There is only one question left unanswered; where will you be taking it next?