
Tetu Cast Iron Kettle


Anytime is tea time with the Tetu Cast Iron Kettle. There is nothing quite like a good cup of tea, and what better way to make that cup come to life is with the Tetu Cast Iron Kettle. Made in Japan, designer Makoto Koizumi combines smooth angles with a a beautiful walnut grip that exudes fine design and craftsmanship. Using 17th century techniques, Tetu has produced a stunning functional kettle from cast iron and is fired to oxidize the metal. It’s this process that cover the surface with an anti-rust layer of film giving it a pebbled texture and a sturdy weight, assuring that the design will hold up to years of use. So if you’re looking to enjoy the full experience that a cup of tea brings, than make sure the first ste(e)p includes the Tetu Cast Iron kettle.

Order yours from Amazon.



