Integrated Avalanche System LumberJac

Integrated Avalanche System

Introducing the Integrated Avalanche System air supply/bag for when you need it most. Exploring the endless breathtaking terrain can leave you breathless in more ways than one. That is about to change thanks to the innovative minds that created the Integrated Avalanche System. It combines an impressive airbag with a breathing system that diverts CO2 from fresher intake. Simple in design, the system combines the handle with the mouth piece and therefore can be pulled and inserted into the mouth via the flexible hose. Once inserted into your mouth, the system pulls air from the surrounding snow, separating the fresh air and exhaled carbon dioxide all by means of a specially designed valve. Attached to an Alpride airbag system (a 150l airbag that inflates in 3 seconds) you have a complete safety system that is one of the lightest on the market. Hopefully you’ll never need it, but if you ever do, remember to keep calm and breathe on.

Preorder yours here.

Integrated Avalanche System LumberJac Integrated Avalanche System LumberJac Integrated Avalanche System LumberJac Integrated Avalanche System LumberJac Integrated Avalanche System LumberJac