Back to school special! Oh man that still makes me cringe. However, if I had the Paper Pencils by Ruben Iglesias, I would be stoked for school to begin once again. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit. These pencils feature paper made from leftover magazines and newspapers wrapped around a carbon core. Each pencil is handmade using as little glue as possible in a social workshop in the Netherlands. What a fantastic idea. Perfect for that impromptu sketch on your Papernomad iPad Sleeves, or better yet, doodling during that long work meeting. The design is very inspiring, and we can thank Ruben Iglesias for the idea, and Droog for bringing it to life.
Get yours at Droog’s online store.
Back to school special! Oh man that still makes me cringe. However, if I had the Paper Pencils by Ruben Iglesias, I would be stoked for school to begin once again. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit. These pencils feature paper made from leftover magazines and newspapers wrapped around a carbon core. Each pencil is handmade using as little glue as possible in a social workshop in the Netherlands. What a fantastic idea. Perfect for that impromptu sketch on your Papernomad iPad Sleeves, or better yet, doodling during that long work meeting. The design is very inspiring, and we can thank Ruben Iglesias for the idea, and Droog for bringing it to life.
Get yours at Droog’s online store.