The Brute suspenders are not your normal pair of suspenders. Take it from us, when Arcade offers a new line, they mean business. We’ve had the great fortune to test out their belts, and as always, they continually impress us with their design, enough so that they’ve become our belt for everyday. When we heard about the Brute Suspenders, suspenders that challenges the norm, we were totally stoked. The Brute throws away convention by eliminating two buckles resulting in a clever design that is not only comfortable, it’s a snap to attach. Add in the unique holster design (which prevents shoulder slippage), burly two-inch straps, add metal clips and sliders and you have a design that will step up and hold the heaviest pants. Available in classic red and black patch, true LumberJac style, or triple chevron pattern, you’re sure to be styling some of the best trouble-free suspenders on the market. Get em here. If your belt is in need of replacement, check out their fall belt collection that are available in a multitude of styles including the new red and black check pattern in a proven design that is guaranteed to live up to its name. Get your belts here.

The Brute suspenders are not your normal pair of suspenders. Take it from us, when Arcade offers a new line, they mean business. We’ve had the great fortune to test out their belts, and as always, they continually impress us with their design, enough so that they’ve become our belt for everyday. When we heard about the Brute Suspenders, suspenders that challenges the norm, we were totally stoked. The Brute throws away convention by eliminating two buckles resulting in a clever design that is not only comfortable, it’s a snap to attach. Add in the unique holster design (which prevents shoulder slippage), burly two-inch straps, add metal clips and sliders and you have a design that will step up and hold the heaviest pants. Available in classic red and black patch, true LumberJac style, or triple chevron pattern, you’re sure to be styling some of the best trouble-free suspenders on the market. Get em here. If your belt is in need of replacement, check out their fall belt collection that are available in a multitude of styles including the new red and black check pattern in a proven design that is guaranteed to live up to its name. Get your belts here.