No need to batten down the hatches with the Feuerhand Hurricane Lantern. It all began over one hundred years ago when the first Feuerhand Lantern rolled out of production. 250 million copies later and this little iconic storm proof lantern has developed one massive cult following. With the full onslaught of LED (not that you can blame the little power house of a light), there is something to be said for a simple and radiant warm glow that transforms your camping trip into an relaxing experience. Made in Germany by hand, the Feuerhand Lantern is made using a fire/snow resistant globe surrounded by a weather proof coated outside tin. With one hundred years under its belt the storm lanterns stand up to the test of time.
Get yours at or Hand-Eye Supply’s online store.

No need to batten down the hatches with the Feuerhand Hurricane Lantern. It all began over one hundred years ago when the first Feuerhand Lantern rolled out of production. 250 million copies later and this little iconic storm proof lantern has developed one massive cult following. With the full onslaught of LED (not that you can blame the little power house of a light), there is something to be said for a simple and radiant warm glow that transforms your camping trip into an relaxing experience. Made in Germany by hand, the Feuerhand Lantern is made using a fire/snow resistant globe surrounded by a weather proof coated outside tin. With one hundred years under its belt the storm lanterns stand up to the test of time.
Get yours at or Hand-Eye Supply’s online store.