Body Care

Standard Razor Review


First Impressions
We used to have a love/hate relationship with shaving. On one hand, we loved the feel of a fresh shave, but on the other hand, we loathed dishing out serious cash for razor refills and the environmental impact when we chose disposables. We can confidently say we now have a love-love relationship with shaving using our new Standard Razors, let me explain why. Before even using the razor we were impressed with the overall design, every detail is considered, it’s not over designed and embodies pure minimal design. This is one razor we’d be happy leaving out for our friends to see, its design aesthetic would compliment any bathroom interior.

In Use
First, like many guys, we were hesitant to switch from disposables to a traditional razor. We had visions of hitting our jugular and turning our bathroom into something from an episode of CSI. We can say, with confidence, that we have not donated any blood to date! The Core of the Standard Razors experience is the geometry of the head. Crafted using aircraft-grade Aluminum, this razor is ergonomically designed and really does provide a close and comfortable shave. The blade glides effortlessly against the skin, and the gap between the razor head and blade is wide enough to tackle extra-long growth. This wide blade also means you’re not rinsing the blade as much as you would normally. I’ve also heard some guys talk about their hand slipping off of cheap razors, the Standard Razor employs a non-slip grip so you can easily navigate even the tightest little corners around your ears. I also appreciate the fact that the handle is shorter which allows for easy rotation between fingers and a solid weight distribution between the razor head.

Second, I really dig the classic shaving experience. There is something almost meditative about using my shaving brush, Standard Razor, and British shaving cream. We particularly like Taylor of Old Bond Street, Geo F. Trumper’s, and Bluebeards Revenge (to name a few). Maybe using a traditional razor reminds me of watching my father shave, or maybe there is something inherently masculine about putting a razor right up to my neck.

Final Thoughts
Finally, if you’re hesitant to switch over, fear not. There is a robust community of Safety razor users who have provided online tutorials and every single detail of shaving your could possible imagine. Take the plunge and join the Standard Razor Cult by picking up your razor at Standard Razors online store.






