Your feet will always be relaxed in a pair of Felt House Shoes. If there’s anything that will keep your feet warm this fall, it’s a pair of premium felt slippers. Felt is a little misleading cause’ you think it’s going to wear through, but it’s as durable as hell, and always looks new. These Felt House Shoes are hand made in Germany and available in three sizes. If you’re not a fan of the yellow or grey, the designer and maker Michael Grosch will customize a pair with your favorite color.
Size up a pair through Michael’s Etsy store.

Your feet will always be relaxed in a pair of Felt House Shoes. If there’s anything that will keep your feet warm this fall, it’s a pair of premium felt slippers. Felt is a little misleading cause’ you think it’s going to wear through, but it’s as durable as hell, and always looks new. These Felt House Shoes are hand made in Germany and available in three sizes. If you’re not a fan of the yellow or grey, the designer and maker Michael Grosch will customize a pair with your favorite color.
Size up a pair through Michael’s Etsy store.