If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. At least that’s the motto of the TETON Deer Hunter Sleeping Bag. This old school style sleeping bag may not have the technical features and materials of some of the new bags, but it’s leaps and bounds ahead when it comes to comfort and style. Just like the cozy bags you grew up with, this TETON Deer Hunter features the ultra comfy flannel lining and water resistant heavy-duty canvas shell. It’s crafted with double-layer construction throughout to increase warmth and durability, and features no-snag heavy-duty zippers, a mummy-style hood and cushioning around the zippers to eliminate cold spots. The SuperLoft Elite 4-Channel Hollow Fiber insulation is rated for 0 degrees F. While it’s not the best choice for an overnight hike deep into the mountains, if you’re taking your Defender or Land Cruiser it’s an absolute must.
Get yours directly from Amazon.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. At least that’s the motto of the TETON Deer Hunter Sleeping Bag. This old school style sleeping bag may not have the technical features and materials of some of the new bags, but it’s leaps and bounds ahead when it comes to comfort and style. Just like the cozy bags you grew up with, this TETON Deer Hunter features the ultra comfy flannel lining and water resistant heavy-duty canvas shell. It’s crafted with double-layer construction throughout to increase warmth and durability, and features no-snag heavy-duty zippers, a mummy-style hood and cushioning around the zippers to eliminate cold spots. The SuperLoft Elite 4-Channel Hollow Fiber insulation is rated for 0 degrees F. While it’s not the best choice for an overnight hike deep into the mountains, if you’re taking your Defender or Land Cruiser it’s an absolute must.
Get yours directly from Amazon.