Down was never so in style than with the Creep Wool Tweed Down Shirt. Why does down always have to be wrapped in shiny synthetic material? Don’t get us wrong, there is a time and place for this, but often when commuting to a Monday morning client meeting, there is nothing like showcasing your professionalism. The creep Wool Tweed Down Shirt addresses the urban setting by wrapping 500 goose fill with an absolutely stunning wool tweed. Creep by Hiroshi Awai has managed to combine fabrics that work great together and offer a sophisticated street style that won’t leave you shivering while en route to work.
Size one up at Present’s online store.

Down was never so in style than with the Creep Wool Tweed Down Shirt. Why does down always have to be wrapped in shiny synthetic material? Don’t get us wrong, there is a time and place for this, but often when commuting to a Monday morning client meeting, there is nothing like showcasing your professionalism. The creep Wool Tweed Down Shirt addresses the urban setting by wrapping 500 goose fill with an absolutely stunning wool tweed. Creep by Hiroshi Awai has managed to combine fabrics that work great together and offer a sophisticated street style that won’t leave you shivering while en route to work.
Size one up at Present’s online store.